

Low cost schools using portable buildings


Hivve is a team of design, energy, engineering, and technology specialists that create education infrastructure to support 21st century learning and environmental sustainability. It helps schools create better learning environments, reduce energy costs, and deliver a sustainable future. Hivve’s unique clean technology system – Hivve iQ – can be integrated into any school building delivering environmentally sustainable and economically responsible outcomes over the long term.


Hivve is a smart “portable” or modular classroom system that allows for full control over the learning environment, providing a light and comfortable setting conducive to learning. Based on research from leading international works, Hivve classrooms have capabilities to monitor and adjust room temperature, lighting layouts and even air quality. A milestone of the project was the research surrounding air quality which found “a clear correlation between CO2 levels in a classroom and ability to focus and learn.” The classrooms are built completely off-site with expertise from Eastern Portable Buildings (EPB), the company that David is currently managing director of, as well as input from civil engineering firm ARUP Group. This reduces waste and energy output during the construction phase and use of environmentally responsible materials ensures that the impact of construction is minimal.


The real innovation of the project has turned out to be the “intelligent building management system”, Hivve IQ, which has evolved from the original innovation. In the initial design, the system afforded teachers full control over the learning environment through ventilation systems, air conditioning and lights. In order to power such technology, solar panels were used with partnership from Tesla to coordinate the energy storage system. “The biggest surprise of the whole project was how efficient the whole system was. The batteries remained fully charge and the system was able to output excess power to surrounding classrooms. We were making more and using less energy than we expected.” The Hivve IQ technology has since evolved to be retrofitted to existing classrooms, allowing classrooms to be independently powered by solar power with the power and environment monitoring facilities that the company provide.