Blue Economy Challenge
It is a Five month Business Plan Training and Competition
- To engage the youth of the nation to think and propose new ideas as they see the future of coastal economies
- Connects these ideas to mentors and entrepreneurship
- To take them through a 5 month program for training on building awareness on opportunities in BE .
- Taking them through a 5 month program building business planning skills and writing a bullet proof business plan.
- To celebrate best ideas by helping them accelerate into potential success stories

Key Milestones
Formation of Project Management Committees, Sponsorship, Event Management, and other committees. Finalization thematic areas, awards criteria, and prize money Website development and Social Media Activations Establishing University centers for awareness campaigns System training: how to use forms, templates and criterions. Selecting Coordinators, Student volunteers, Judges, Trainers, Mentors, Graders and Domain Experts
Round 1
Announcement: Team Registration Awareness Seminars at Major Universities Marketing Webinars and Seminar – If required meetings at key cities Formation of Joint Industry - Academia Teams Registration of Ideas and teams Preliminary Short Listing Idea Selection Up to a maximum of top 100 ideas will be short listed.
Round 2
Interviews of shortlisted teams Workshop (2 day) On what makes a great BP Followed by Short listing of ideas Plan, Executive Summary, Presentation and Elevator Pitch ES and EP Preparation and Submission TRAINING AND SHORTLISTING, & MENTORING Short listing based on ES and EP Assignment of Mentors Mentoring Session-1 1/1 Meetings with teams Mentoring and Coaching Preparation and submission of BP and DP Mentoring Session-2 1/1 Meetings with teams Preparation and submission of BP and DP Short listing based on FBP and FDP Simultaneous Development of Project and industrial beta testing
Round 3: Top 10 Shortlist
Announcement of TOP 10 Teams Mentoring for presentation skills Finals & Exhibitions Conference, exhibition and prize-winning ceremony International Road Show and training for finalists for making them successes
Winner Prizes
First Prize
2nd Runner Up
Runner Up
Honorable Mention(10 Prizes)
Eligibility Criteria
The competition is open for teams comprising of undergraduate and post-graduate students. The field of study should be multi-disciplinary. -The program is restricted to the maritime industry. -Participants must have a properly constructed business idea and concept paper along with the team. -Ideal composition of team (a technologist, business, finance, economy, operations etc.) -Each team should have an advisor or an industry specialist.
Formation of Teams
-Maximum 4 to 5 members permitted in the team. -One participant cannot be a part of more than one team. -No change of team structure is permitted after the team is registered. -One of the team members should be registered as Team Leader. -The team must register on the link/website provided before: (date) -All correspondences will be done through his/her email ID. -Universities with maximum number of participation will get a special participation award.
Participate as a Mentor
Are you an industry leader, Academician, or veteran of the marine economy? Participate as a mentor or judge. We are looking for experts in the fields mentioned in the thematic areas who are willing to guide and coach the student teams towards developing an industry entrepreneurial approach. For more information contact us or register on the link provided.