New blue economy policy can revitalise the shipping sector of Pakistan
Prime Minister Imran Khan on Saturday congratulated Maritime Ministry for finalising a new and dynamic blue economy policy to revitalise the shipping sector of Pakistan. In a tweet Imran Khan said that policy will be saving the country valuable foreign exchange and creating more employment opportunities for our seafarers.
Prime Minister further said, “We will ensure Pakistan fulfills its enormous maritime potential.”
Federal Minister for Maritime Affairs, Ali Haider Zaidi tweeted, “All praise is for Allah! A humbling moment for all of us at Maritime Ministry to be acknowledged by Prime Minister Imran Khan. Inshallah we will overcome challenges and deliver our best by realizing & maximizing the enormous potential of Blue Economy in Pakistan.”
As per the policy document shared by Ali Haider Zaidi, titled "Allowing Ship Financing Under Long Term Finance Facility (LTFF)" in light of the shipping industry's significance and overall economic development, foreign exchange savings, shipping industry has been allowed to avail LTDD with terms and conditions.