Blue Economy-Sharing Success Stories to Inspire Change (UNEP)
Executive Summary
Blue Economy initiatives and applications are emerging around the world and are proving to be diverse, dynamic and wide-ranging. Cases are emerging in coastal, estuarine and marine habitats that link social, economic and environmental progress. While the applications are diverse, there are a number of commonalities noted in the cases summarized here. Numerous processes are at play as innovative developments in the Blue Economy emerge.
Below is a summary of the conclusions that have been drawn from the cases studies highlighted in this report:
- The Blue Economy is rapidly innovating and diversifying, as it evolves from a concept to time-tested realities.
- Blue Economy developments are often both highly opportunistic, and highly strategic in initiation, approach and execution
- Blue Economy initiatives can substantiate broad-based cooperative efforts, as well as provide a context within which to address a persistent gap in sustainably-managed marine ecosystems and economies.
- Coordination and collaboration of Blue Economy projects and initiatives requires broad and resilient partnerships
- The success of these cases over time underscores the importance of a strong knowledge base, as well as regulation and policy that supports the transition to a Blue Economy
- The Blue Economy arguably makes its strongest gains when leveraging existing institutional relationships to address strategic gaps that affect multiple sectors and players, and which catalyze visible benefits for them in the long term
- Crucial to Blue Economy developments is the building of inclusive processes and demonstrable results for those who may be strongly affected by measures, but who have limited means to engage in participatory processes.
- Several of the case studies documented positive shifts in perception related to the ‘worth’ of up-front investment, especially when these resulted in longer-term, quantified and visible payoffs.