Ocean literacy: upcoming Scientix webinar on the European Atlas of the Seas
14 Jan 2021
The European Atlas of the Seas, now available in the 24 languages of the European Union, offers stunning marine maps and interactive oceanic information covering a wide range of topics such as nature, sea life, tourism, litter, environment, energy, fishing, aquaculture and transport. It thus provides great opportunities to be used as an online interactive educational tool.
On 14 January 2021 at 17:00 CET, the EMODnet Secretariat and Scientix will be holding a webinar in English for teachers across Europe who wish to learn how they can use the Atlas for interdisciplinary teaching, combining maths, geography, data analysis, environmental studies and more.
During the webinar, teachers will also be invited to join the Network of European Blue Schools, an initiative of the EU4Ocean Coalition that connects diverse organisations, projects and people contributing to ocean literacy and the sustainable management of the ocean.
Source: https://www.emodnet.eu/en/ocean-literacy-upcoming-scientix-webinar-european-atlas-seas-0