VideoRay is the most popular inspection-class underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) company for the world’s Navies, Coast Guards, and First Responders
Established in 1999, VideoRay has worked with technology and mission partners throughout the world to develop and prove the small ROV tool for a wide range of applications.
VideoRay has established itself as the worldwide leader in observation class ROVs. Underwater accessory manufacturers now develop their sensors around the size and payload capacity of VideoRays. When you purchase a VideoRay Professional ROV system, you have the choice of the best sonars, positioning systems, metal thickness gauges, cathodic protection, water quality and radiation measuring devices, and many other underwater tools and sensors.
In November 2012, the TriCounty Area Chamber of Commerce presented VideoRay LLC with the Economic Development Award in recognition of VideoRay's efforts to bring a booming international business to the Pottstown borough. The Economic Development Award honors a local company that best exhibits quality land use improvement, generates economic benefits for the community, and has the potential for creating new jobs. In March 2008 the Chester County Economic Development Council presented VideoRay LLC with the prestigious 2008 Globe Award for its distinguished achievement in international business. VideoRay underwater robots help prevent terrorism, find and retrieve objects, inspect infrastructure both inland and offshore, and keep divers safe from hazardous conditions.