Dock To Dish
Connecting chefs and seafood consumers to small scale local fishermen and their catches.
Founded in 2012, By connecting restaurants, chefs and fishermen, Dock to Dish is an organisation committed to shaking up the seafood supply chain.
By supplying fish to high end restaurants based on what they catch naturally, what’s plentiful and importantly, sustainable – rather than matching what’s on the menu.Their vision was ‘to eliminate the chain of custody for seafood, as well as the middlemen who often intentionally mislabeled fish, while bringing verifiable traceability to members of Dock to Dish with a level of freshness, quality-control, and food safety that were unprecedented designed to reconnect the local community with Montauk fishermen
In 2019, the Dock to Dish Montauk team was joined by Elise Gilchrist, a dedicated advocate for small-scale fishing communities and sustainable seafood systems, and a vocal climate activist.This new/old model of community supported fishing (CSF) cuts out the convoluted and sometimes sketchy international seafood processors and industrial fishers to a direct relationship with local fishermen and the more sustainable seafood selections they catch