UNDP Belize
The GEF SGP Blue Economy Innovation Program seeks to protect the ocean and coastal environment through the enhancement of the efficiency and sustainability of community-based blue economy. It is premised on the fact that enhanced resource use efficiency will create more sustainable livelihoods opportunities while reducing human induced pressure on ocean and coastal ecosystems. The goal of the program is to identify, test and scale up innovative community-based projects that boost local livelihoods through better and sustainable use of ocean and coastal resources through active social inclusion, particularly women and girls, youth, indigenous peoples, and persons with disabilities.
Recent projects/startups the organization invested/funded in: UNDP BELIZE recently funded in Scholarships Provided to Twelve Students Disenfranchised by the Economic Recession and COVID-19
Criteria : 1)Proposed projects should be bold, innovative, and transformative, and have potential for replication and scaling up. 2)Successful projects should consider strong social inclusion, including gender equality and women’s empowerment, indigenous peoples, youth, and or persons with disabilities in their initiative. 3)Projects may be focused around conservation, education, technology and others, but all applications should explicitly state the plan for having strong impact and concrete results/outcomes. 4)Projects that demonstrate key partnerships and leverage additional resources e.g. co-financing with INGO, foundation, private sector, coastal community, regulatory agencies will be duly considered. 5)One (1) strategic capacity development/knowledge management project for CSOs may be considered if the initiative will significantly demonstrate and sustain the Blue economy outcomes at the national level inclusive of significant cash co-financing being secured. 6)Priority themes include fisheries, aquaculture, nature-based tourism, and cross-cutting capacity development.
Size of Funding Small grants, ranging from USD 5,000 to 50,000.00, will be awarded to eligible organizations. A maximum of USD 50,000.00 can be awarded to a Grantee Partner per Operational Phase of the GEF SGP.