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EMOD-PACE Project The overall aim of this project is to promote international ocean governance with China and support the implementation of global commitments by making ocean marine data and data products more easily accessible and by providing better data and data products. Concrete EMOD-PACE objectives are summarised and described as follows:
Establish a solid and effective working relationship between EMODnet and Chinese counterparts, in particular the National Marine Data and Information Service of China (NMDIS). Support processes related to collaboration with China with a view to improve discovery of and access to marine data and data products by establishing interoperability of data and information systems. Support ocean-related policy objectives and policy dialogues as well as to enhance cooperation in key areas of ocean governance. Facilitate political convergence towards a collective approach to tackling global ocean challenges such as climate change, marine litter, and environmental protection and biodiversity, in particular in the context of the Convention for Biological Diversity (CBD). Support the use of internationally agreed standards for marine data, both by the public and private sectors. In detail, the project will strengthen the relationship between EMODnet and NMDIS by:
Setting up a bilingual English-Chinese project information website providing a gateway to the project results. Maximizing interoperability between EU and Chinese marine data services, and data products and information systems. Comparing European and Chinese numerical ocean models by - comparing reanalysis and model results with historic data.
- analysing the applicability of each side's models for seabed habitat and ecosystem vulnerability.
Providing reliable information to support coastal adaptation on the sea route between China and Europe.