Fisheries Awareness, Information and Responsibility
Looking back on the days of the initial organizational meeting, it is hard to believe all that the BSFA has accomplished in such a relatively short period of time. There have been many challenges and BSFA has been there to respond to them. But, BSFA has done more than respond, it has played a leading, if not the critical role, in ensuring that western Alaska fishermen are in control of their own future.
A short list of successes in which BSFA played the substantial, if not the primary role, includes: Establishment of the Community Development Quota Program with Harold Spark that launched six CDQ corporations. Development of U.S. Coast Guard surveillance to guard against foreign high seas piracy activity in the Bering Sea. Development of herring fisheries in western Alaska. Development of commercial halibut fisheries for western Alaska through the International Pacific Halibut Commission. Elimination of high seas interception of western Alaskan salmon in the Bering Sea and North Pacific Ocean. Launched various fisheries research and coordinating programs and non-profits including: Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim Sustainable Salmon Initiative Yukon River Drainage Fisheries Association Norton Sound Salmon Research and Restoration Program Bristol Bay Buy-back Coalition Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim Coalition Establishment of the king salmon saving areas in the Bering Sea. Creation of the Alaska Board of Fish Regional Advisory Committees. Construction of the Quinhagak fish processing plant; as well as cold storage facilities in Tununak, Mekoryuk, and Toksook Bay. All of these accomplishments are the results of tireless participation in the legislative and regulatory forums that have so much influence on western Alaska resources, including: the North Pacific Fisheries Management Council, the Alaska Board of Fish, the North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission, the International Pacific Halibut Commission, the Yukon River Panel, and the Kuskokwim Fisheries Resource Coalition.
Criteria: Seeking ways to encourage sustainable management of our marine and freshwater fisheries and foster better relations and a greater understanding among stakeholders.
Projects they are working on: -Fisheries Awareness, Information, and Responsibility (FAIR) -Western Alaska Marine Salmon Studies (WAMSS)