The Oceans X Labs accelerator will conclude in February, 2018, with two digital pitch sessions on February 8th and February 15th, 2018. Oceans X Labs is a joint initiative of World Wildlife Fund (W
The Port of San Diego manages San Diego Bay and 34 miles of its beautiful, natural waterfront for the people of California. The Port was established in 1962 under the Port Act and is charged with i
Our goal is to tailor our assistance to the needs of individual groups, and to provide long-term support for groups whose efforts show the most promise. Beyond funding we tailor our assistance to t
We bring a combination of maritime, cleantech and tech sector backgrounds, where our work includes corporate business development, venture capital, start-up and operational experience. We have a gl
The EcoComplex "Clean Energy Innovation Center" is dedicated to moving inventions from the lab to successful real-world applications and to promote New Jersey as a center for clean energy
First Oceanfront BlueTech & Blue Economy Incubator on the US Eastern Seaboard The BLUE Incubator is the core entrepreneurial element of BLUE Institute Labs, PBC and was created in 2017 to: addr
This annual convening is just what it sounds like: a Collaborative Laboratory, where a unique cross-section of leaders, ventures, and philanthropists come together to ignite new thinking and seed g