What is Blue Economy Initiative?
Two-thirds of the earth’s surface consists of oceans, seas, and coastal areas. They form a critical and vastly unexplored component of the Earth’s ecosystem and are critical to sustainable development. Over three billion people depend on marine and coastal resources for their livelihoods. The oceans provide a diverse plant and animal diversity, necessary food resources, and contain the ingredients vital for better human health. They give us 97% of all water resources and clean the oxygen that we breathe. Our oceans absorb tons of solid waste, provide a sink for greenhouse gases, and regulate global climate.
One of the last unexplored frontiers for mankind, It is our responsibility to explore and promote the use of vast oceans and coasts in a responsible, sustainable, and balanced manner.
The Word bank defines the Blue economy as “the use of ocean resources for economic growth, improving livelihoods and jobs in a sustainable manner”.
This means to:
- Understand and better manage the many aspects of oceanic sustainability, ranging from sustainable fisheries to ecosystem health to preventing pollution.
- Develop a range of related sectors and policies in a manner such that they balance economic growth, ocean sustainability as well as protect the coastal lives of existing and future communities
- Collaborate across borders and sectors through a variety of partnerships, and on a scale that has not been previously achieved
The aim of Blue Economy is to shift resources from scarcity to abundance, and to start tackling issues that cause environmental problems, put forward the management tool based on ecosystem service framework for the growth of coastal areas. To achieve long-term sustainable blue growth we need collaboration, inclusion, and trust in the marine sector.
Our ultimate objective is to not only bring forward the international donors and funding both also bringing the experts from startups and encourage them to work with world-class experts. We promote the culture of collaboration and participation among youth, academia, and industrialists to come forward and come up with solutions for these opportunities.
Blue Economy Initiative is a business challenge that is part of a long-term ecosystem development program. The program invites ideas for the Blue Economy and assists participants reach their long terms goals through its four tracks.
In the initial stage, we will be preparing, mentoring, coaching, and training for initiating a business plan for the competition we are launching. This program is about building and nurturing the youth, academia, and industrialists as it is a multidimensional, multinational program. We invite them to look at the local opportunities and propose a sustainable business plan by utilizing the vast resources present in our ocean.
To embed the mindset of a world-class entrepreneurial culture we will then encourage promising startups to engage towards four global opportunity tracks (BE Tracks)
. These are:-
- Applying to International Incubators,
- Proposing to Funding Organizations,
- Participating in Business Competitions and
- Applying International Universities in all these areas are working towards blue growth.
We welcome people from all over to take part in this Blue Economy Challenge 2021 and promote entrepreneurial culture in the coastal belt of Pakistan.
Pakistan's Untapped Ocean Resources
Spread over 990 Km, Pakistan’s coastline is an asset for Pakistan. Extending over 240,00 KM to an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) extends up to 350 nautical miles from the coastline including the continental shelf.
These areas feature rich ecology and geology consisting of mangroves, green turtles, fishes, dolphins, whales, corals, oil & gas, minerals, and volcanoes. Additionally, Pakistan has abundant oceanic resources that can be tapped to develop sustainable communities and businesses. The marine and coastal ecosystem of Pakistan face challenges and is a goldmine of opportunities.
While, climate change and pollution are responsible for the degradation of biodiversity of this area, sustainable blue industries can help turn the same for providing economic growth, food production, tourism, trade and at the same time help mitigate effects of climate change.