Ocean Works


Ocean plastic buttons


Oceanworks is the largest global marketplace for sustainable materials. We specialize in hard to access ocean and averted plastic and our portfolio is constantly expanding. Fueling this vision is an experienced global team. We’re a group of fast paced innovators, trained engineers, and creative thinkers committed to accelerating the transition to a world without plastic pollution.


Our platform was built to help you, our users, catalyze the adoption of recycled plastics that is so desperately needed. We envision a future where recycled content is so reliable and ubiquitous that it becomes table stakes. The use of sustainable materials moves from an eyecatching storyline to a must have for brand survival. Oceanworks offers today the foundations of trust and quality that make it easy to choose the materials your customers now demand.


Oceanworks has seen demand for an ocean plastic button in various sizes since our iconic button release with Outerknown. Together we can, and will, make a meaningful dent in plastic pollution. The future depends on it.